WildCat's Blog

ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED problem of Chromium/Chrome macOS Sonoma (14)

Since macOS Sonoma (14.x), there is a frequent problem of Google Chrome or other Chromium based apps: They always show errors like ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED. It also happens on Electron apps like VSCode.


I’ve looking for solutions for weeks and re-installed the macOS on my laptop to fix this problem.

However, recently, @Blankwonder mentioned that, it is a problem of the wireless debugging mode of Xcode: https://x.com/Blankwonder/status/1725346373397250555?s=20

He mentioned this (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1498910) Chromium bug report.

Thank you comment #4, unpairing the iPhone from Xcode fixed the issue for me too!
